
Don Gray

Don Gray
As CTO, Don is responsible for driving the corporate technology strategy and direction.

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How a Dynamic, Contextual, Preventative Solution Can Deliver OT Security

How a Dynamic, Contextual, Preventative Solution Can Deliver OT Security

(PART 6) The pressure being exerted by the business to extract more value, how it differs from IT security in key ways, and why some OT security solutions fall short are all OT Challenges. Look at the characteristics that an ideal OT security solutions should have.

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Why Existing OT Security Tools Fall Short

Why Existing OT Security Tools Fall Short

(PART 5) The pressing need for effective OT security solutions, highlighted by several high-profile incidents over the past few years has driven a marketplace of potential solutions geared specifically for use in OT environments. They can seem like the safe, comfortable choice.

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Why "Catching Up" to IT Security Is a Bad Strategy

Why "Catching Up" to IT Security Is a Bad Strategy

(PART 4) By almost any objective measure, OT networks and devices are "behind" the evolution of similar networks and tools in IT. Mostly born out of necessity in the IT world and obscurity in the OT world.

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