Better, Faster, More Effective Cybersecurity

Preemptive Cyber Defense For Converging OT and IT Networks

The Threat

To overcome the challenges with confronting unknown threats, OT & IT cybersecurity professionals need the ability to implement highly contextual, dynamic, and adaptive policies driven by deceptive techniques.  Without the burden of false positives, an automated response can contain these threats, preventing further exploitation, exfiltration, and additional harm. Learn more about how you can confront your security threats with an experienced cybersecurity company. 

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Active Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure

OT Challenges

Every remote OT asset or facility that is connected to a broader network or the internet becomes a potential vector for cyber threats. Old infrastructure, legacy technology, and unsupported devices are not immune to cyber threats and must be protected.

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IT Challenges

Cybersecurity operators and their tools are plagued by overwhelming network noise, mountains of false-positive results, and outright alert fatigue. IT networks continue to grow and change to solve new and emerging busines problems – and the cycle continues.

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Next-Generation Products

Cybersecurity company products OT360™  / OTRemote™

OT360™ OTRemote™

OT360™ and OTRemote™ solutions provide security outcomes that matter to OT operators, including positive compensating controls for out of compliance assets and automated threat detection, prevention, and response without the risk of unplanned downtime. PacketViper provides automated OT/ICS threat prevention, detection, containment, and response that goes far beyond typical monitoring and alerts.



IT360™ is a multi-context filtering solution that delivers 360° network visibility and AI- enabled automatic blocking of threats.  The solution eliminates noise, controls false-positive events, and dramatically reduces alert fatigue so that security teams can do more with less in fewer cycles, resulting in better and faster security.



Deception360™ is a unique approach that utilizes deception in every direction, shifting the paradigm towards more proactive cyber defense. The solution utilizes lightweight, believable, and agentless decoys, sensors, Sirens™, and deceptive artifacts at both the perimeter and the interior of any network boundary to lure, trap, and quickly defeat attackers.

Explore Resources

PacketViper Strategy for Using Unified Multi-Layer Deception for your Network Security

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Gartner® Research on Emerging Tech: Adoption Trends in Preemptive Cyber Defense

AI-enabled attacks and global Internet sprawl require Preemptive Cyber Security for IT and OT/ICS environments. The good news is that it's here! Read more from Gartner. 

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Notes from the Field: New Technology Advancements

With the help of our new technology advancements, you can offer your customers cutting-edge products you never thought possible!

Building Bridges:  PacketViper's Role in Securing OT and IT Environments

Building Bridges: PacketViper's Role in Securing OT and IT Environments

In the complex landscape between Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT), the need for a robust, adaptable security solution that can create value for both parts of the organization and network has never been more critical.

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How a Dynamic, Contextual, Preventative Solution Can Deliver OT Security

How a Dynamic, Contextual, Preventative Solution Can Deliver OT Security

(PART 6) The pressure being exerted by the business to extract more value, how it differs from IT security in key ways, and why some OT security solutions fall short are all OT Challenges. Look at the characteristics that an ideal OT security solutions should have.

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Why Existing OT Security Tools Fall Short

Why Existing OT Security Tools Fall Short

(PART 5) The pressing need for effective OT security solutions, highlighted by several high-profile incidents over the past few years has driven a marketplace of potential solutions geared specifically for use in OT environments. They can seem like the safe, comfortable choice.

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Learn More About Active Cyber Defense for OT & IT Today